Novustat Privacy Policy for the Use of Our Inquiry Form

Novustat guarantees the security of your data. Below you will find the privacy policy of Novustat for the use of our inquiry form:

This privacy policy of Novustat GmbH, Roosstr. 43, 8832 Wollerau, Switzerland (hereinafter “we” or “Responsible”), applies in the context of inquiries and subsequent business transactions. Further details about our company can be found in our imprint.

§ 1 General Information

As a Swiss company, we are subject to the applicable data protection regulations and laws of Switzerland. To legally offer our services to customers from the European Union (EU), we adhere to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter “GDPR”).

In the context of inquiries and the execution of legal transactions, we act as the controller within the meaning of the GDPR and process personal data based on legal permission norms or your voluntarily given consent for data collection.

When you fill out our online inquiry form, various personal data are provided by you voluntarily. Personal data includes all data that can identify you as a natural person.

We strive to limit the processing of your personal data as much as possible, using modern technical solutions and understandable and secure organizational mechanisms.

The following statement gives you an overview of how data protection is ensured at our company, what type of data is collected for which purpose, and to whom this data is transferred and for what purpose. This statement also fulfills our information obligations under the GDPR.

§ 2 Collection and Processing of Your Data

To use the services we offer, you can send us a free and non-binding inquiry at any time. This is done through our online form, where we require a valid email address to process and respond to your inquiry.

The data collected from you in this context is only collected for specific, clear, and legitimate purposes. Data is only collected and used to the extent technically and contractually necessary to offer you the optimal provision of our services.

Based on your inquiry, a suitable statistician or processor will be selected for your matter, and you will receive an individual offer along with other information related to our service provision.

(1) Data Categories and Data Provision

In the context of the inquiry, various information about you (name, email address, phone number) and additional details to specify the inquiry (field, work topic, specifications, etc.) will be requested.

We process the following categories of data: master data, communication data and history, inquiry data, information about our offer, possibly contract data, and payment information.

We do not process special categories of data (i.e., sensitive data that requires special protection) or data from children. There is no profiling within the meaning of the law.

The required data is provided voluntarily and directly by you. Their provision is necessary for the processing and response to your inquiry. If data is missing, the provision of our services may be canceled.

(2) Purposes of Processing and Legal Basis

The processing of your data is generally based on Article 6(1)(b) GDPR for the purpose of carrying out pre-contractual measures resulting from your inquiry. If a contract is concluded with you, your data will be used for subsequent contract processing or legal enforcement.

Additionally, data processing may be necessary according to Article 6(1)(c) GDPR to fulfill our legal retention obligations and other legal obligations.

We are also entitled to process your data to protect our legitimate interests in ensuring a smooth provision of our services, optimizing business processes, particularly the inquiry process, and asserting, exercising, or defending legal claims. This data processing is based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

Furthermore, we reserve the right to send you news regarding our offer to the contact details you have provided, after obtaining your consent, unless you object to this use of your data in text form.

(3) Data Transfer and Recipients

If your data is forwarded to our contractual and business partners involved in the business process, this is done only in compliance with the legal data protection regulations, this privacy policy, possibly within the framework of a data processing agreement, and exclusively for the legitimate purposes specified in § 2 (3).

In the context of contract processing, we explicitly point out that selected data is passed on to our subcontractors (statisticians or processors) who execute your order in communication with us. They are contractually obliged to comply with the present provisions. They are based in the EU or Switzerland, ensuring an adequate level of data protection.

In individual cases, data may be transferred to administrative and investigative authorities, legal institutions, or lawyers due to overriding legal provisions or permission clauses.

§ 3 Data Security

In accordance with the GDPR and the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act, we have implemented various technical and organizational measures to protect your data from loss, destruction, access, alteration, and dissemination by unauthorized persons. These measures are suitable for ensuring effective legal-compliant data protection in the area of general and automated processing of personal data and the use of network and telecommunications channels. The measures we have taken reflect the latest technology, are regularly updated, and adapted to changes in our system, and are periodically reviewed.

All data processing is centralized on our own servers at a secure location in Switzerland, ensuring compliance with the EU level of data protection.

§ 4 Duration of Data Storage

We store personal data in a form that allows the identification of data subjects only as long as necessary for the purposes for which they are processed. We limit the retention period for personal data to the absolute minimum necessary. Due to our international activities, we have various legal retention obligations to comply with depending on the individual case and the applicable national law. These criteria determine the retention period.

After three years from the completion of the order, we will generally check whether we still need your data and whether legal retention obligations prevent deletion.

Data collected during an inquiry that did not result in a contract may be used beyond the inquiry processing period to improve our offer and optimize business processes, as well as to assert, exercise, or defend legal claims or clarify cases of abuse. After three years from the processing of the inquiry, we will generally check whether our legitimate interest in retaining the data still exists and whether legal retention obligations prevent deletion.

§ 5 Information Obligations and Data Subject Rights

When personal data is collected directly from you as the inquirer, we are obliged to inform you about the processing of your data by us according to the requirements of Article 13 GDPR. This privacy policy serves to fulfill our information obligations.

You have the right, according to Article 15 GDPR, to obtain free information about the data processed about you.

You also have the right to correct inaccurate data according to Article 16 GDPR, the right to the deletion of your personal data (right to be forgotten) according to Article 17 GDPR, and the right to restrict processing according to Article 18 GDPR. If applicable, you can also exercise your right to data portability according to Article 20 GDPR.

The right to be forgotten can generally be exercised when the storage of your data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed, or if there are no legal retention periods opposing the deletion.

If you believe that your data is being processed unlawfully, you can file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority according to Article 77 GDPR.

You can address your concerns to us free of charge in writing by email to the email address provided below in § 7 or by postal mail to our business address. Please note that we need to sufficiently verify your identity based on your request. In case of doubt, we may request further information for identity confirmation. We will respond to your request promptly, no later than within one month of its receipt. In exceptional cases, a reasonable fee may be charged, or the request may be rejected for legal reasons.

§ 6 Right to Object

If your personal data is processed based on legitimate interests according to Article 6(1)(f) GDPR, you have the right to object to the processing according to Article 21 GDPR, provided there are reasons arising from your particular situation, or if the objection is directed against direct marketing. In the case of a legitimate objection, we will no longer process the relevant personal data unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or the data is used for the assertion, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

§ 7 Contact Person for Data Protection

The person responsible for data protection within Novustat GmbH is Gabriel Krause, Ul. Płk F. Nullo 38/92, 31-543 Kraków, Poland. You can reach him at any time via the following email address: We place great importance on strictly adhering to our legal information obligations, providing timely information to you as the data subject, and carrying out notifications, deletions, etc., in accordance with the law.