Companies, institutions, scientists, doctoral candidates and students will find concentrated academic know-how from over 80 statisticians. You too can benefit from the high professional standard of our statistics services.
With the wealth of experience of more than 1,000 successfully completed statistics projects of our experienced team of experts, we offer help for everyone in the evaluation, individual consulting and solutions for everyone who needs help with the evaluation of statistical data. We always take a needs-based approach and focus strictly on the specific requirements of the project in question, for which we only assign specialists with the right training and practical experience.

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Statistics for companies

After conducting studies, market analyses, customer surveys or employee surveys, many companies need support in evaluating and interpreting the results. It is particularly important to structure and statistically process large amounts of data and then derive strategy recommendations on the basis of a sound interpretation. At Novustat, you will find tailor-made solutions and help for evaluation that is quick and competent, but still guarantees success.

Evaluation help for market research

Expect to get the best possible benefit from your market research study with us.
Market research aims to adapt business decisions to the typical thinking and behavior of market participants. Most market research projects and surveys generate very extensive and heterogeneous volumes of data that need to be processed and interpreted in a statistically correct and appropriate manner. We will be happy to support you.

Statistical evaluations for medical research

At Novustat, you can also expect a high level of expertise in the field of biostatistics, be it in selecting the right research method, creating your research design, conducting and analyzing experiments or statistically interpreting and presenting research results. Our previous medical projects have focused on evaluations in the field of patient data research and statistical consulting in various areas of medical research. In addition, we support clinical research and clinical studies with statistical know-how and competent evaluation assistance for physicians.

Statistical consulting for science and research

The evaluation of scientific studies is generally complex and time-consuming. In order to maintain the relevance and significance of the study, mass data often has to be analyzed under time pressure – before the framework conditions change. However, there is often neither enough time nor qualified personnel available for this. That doesn’t have to be the case! Let us support you. A large contingent of medical statistics experts awaits you to help your project gain the best possible insights.

Statistical advice for doctoral students

Our academic statisticians know the scientific requirements of a doctoral thesis from their own experience. When it comes to supporting self-developed theses or refuting prevailing views, many doctoral students find it difficult to compile sufficient research material to provide arguments for or against the respective positions. At Novustat you will find helpful solutions and goal-oriented evaluation help for doctoral candidates. For example, we support medical professionals in analyzing and interpreting your data as part of your statistical doctoral thesis.
We also offer special discounted rates for doctoral students!

Statistics help for students

Many students are confronted with studies and statistical procedures for the first time when writing scientific papers. If not already in the conception of the research question or the design of the study, they are usually hopelessly overwhelmed at the latest with the statistical analysis of the results. The specialist background is secondary – whether social sciences, medicine, business statistics or other fields. Let Novustat help you to collect, clean and statistically analyze data for your scientific work. We also offer special discounted rates for students!